August 26, 2014 Ward Dilmore The High Cost of a Low Price Concert Tour On my first foray into international travel, I had a certifiably disastrous concert tour experience with a tour company that promised Nirvana, but delivered a week in h… Backstage Blog Featured Resources
August 18, 2014 Tori Cook All the World’s a Stage at a Globe Performance Last week I attended a performance of Antony and Cleopatra at the Globe Theater in London with actors Eve Best and Clive Wood playing the lead roles. Backstage Blog
August 14, 2014 Tori Cook Choral Ensembles & The Importance of Open Rehearsals Every Wednesday night during the “school year”, I conduct a small barbershop chorus in North Shore, MA – the Harborlight Show Chorus. Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
August 11, 2014 Ward Dilmore One Concert Tour and Its Lifelong Impact Chateau de Chenonceau As music teachers, we start our school year with high expectations for our students. Backstage Blog
August 7, 2014 Tori Cook Musical Tour to Bavaria – Nuremberg Highlight Albrecht Durer House As promised, here is part two of our musical tour to Bavaria (read part one, about Bayreuth, here!). Backstage Blog
August 5, 2014 Ward Dilmore Elementary Strings Recruiting: September Whether you’re a first-year strings teacher or a dedicated veteran, recruiting new members is essential to your existence. Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
July 31, 2014 Tori Cook Music Teachers – What are Your August Plans? As we quickly turn the corner into the month of August (July, where have you gone?!), I was thinking of what you music teachers might be going through while you prepare for the ne… Backstage Blog
July 29, 2014 Tori Cook Musical Tour to Bavaria – Bayreuth Highlight I recently had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Bavaria on a musical tour visiting Munich, Nuremberg, and Bayreuth. Backstage Blog
July 24, 2014 Tori Cook Meet Encore Tour Manager: Dimitra Neonakis Get to know our tour managers — well-traveled, fascinating individuals who make your Encore performance tour truly unique and unforgettable. Backstage Blog