April 2, 2014 Ward Dilmore A Proven Cure For Music Teacher Burn-Out I taught strings in grades K-college over 32 years. By my 16thyear in the profession, like many of us who teach music, I began to feel frustrated and tired. Backstage Blog
March 28, 2014 Tori Cook Music Festival Highlight – Carmel Bach Festival The Carmel Bach Festival is an important music festival celebrating the works of Johan Sebastian Bach, renowned composer and musician. Backstage Blog
March 18, 2014 Ward Dilmore Our “Prelude” to Overseas Performance Travel St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna This is an abridged version of Ward Dilmore’s article. Backstage Blog
March 13, 2014 Cindy Esquibel “Music saved my life…” – Alice Herz-Sommer The Oscars are a much anticipated event every year (at least for me) and I made sure to watch along with millions of people across the country. Backstage Blog
March 10, 2014 Adrian Metcalfe When Travel Changes Lives As an Encore Tour Manager, it is sometimes easy to forget our tagline, which appears on all of our merchandising. Backstage Blog
February 28, 2014 Peter Ede Don’t Stop Believin’ At Encore Tours, we pride ourselves on our highly professional Tour Managers, who are by your side on your performance trip from start to finish. Backstage Blog
January 28, 2014 Roni Hyman 10 Places Where You’ll Sound Your Best As a touring and performing musician, you should be aware of what certain venues have to offer. Backstage Blog
January 14, 2014 Roni Hyman 2014 Marks 70-Year Anniversary of D-Day Happy New Year, blog readers! 2014 has arrived and while the start of a new year is always a chance for a fresh start and a look towards the future, it is also serves as a reminde… Backstage Blog
December 31, 2013 Sophie Amos Happy 2014! Fireworks during new year atmosphere in Prague, Czech Republick ** Note: Visible grain at 100%, best at smaller sizes To celebrate the turn of 2014, w… Backstage Blog