February 8, 2018 Jon Linker Terme Tettuccio: Picturesque Venue for Orchestra Tours in Montecatini, Italy With wonderful basilicas seemingly around every corner along with historic theaters and beautiful outdoor piazzas, Italy offers an abundance of venues for the visiting ensemble. Backstage Blog
November 30, 2017 Dr. Carolyn Watson 10 Fabulous Pieces for High-Level Youth Orchestras – Part 2 Renowned conductor Dr. Carolyn Watson gets back to us with some more of her favorite pieces for high-level youth orchestras. Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
November 16, 2017 Ward Dilmore 10 Things Orchestra Directors Can Be Thankful For 1. When students remember their instruments every day — Aashna Belenje (@ABelenje) June 2, 2017 2. Backstage Blog
October 12, 2017 Dr. Carolyn Watson 10 Fabulous Pieces for High-Level Youth Orchestras – Part 1 Renowned conductor Dr. Carolyn Watson shares with us some of her favorite pieces for talented young orchestras in this two-part article. Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
July 27, 2017 Kate Huffman How Choirs Can Work with Orchestras: From the viewpoint of the Executive Director Encore’s Ward Dilmore with the Chorus America panelists on working with orchestras: Linda Moxley, Jeffrey Jordan, and Henry Leck Guest blogger Linda Moxley is an arts manager with o… Backstage Blog
June 30, 2016 Maggie Rodriguez Little Known Repertoire for Orchestras: Elgar Symphony No. 1 Looking for a fantastic, but relatively unknown piece to perform with your orchestra? Consider Edward Elgar’s Symphony No. 1 in A-flat major. Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
June 28, 2016 Tori Cook The Undeniable Benefits of Band, Orchestra and Choir Trips As a choir director and employee at Encore Tours, I can say without a doubt that every traveling ensemble undergoes a transformation at the end of the tour that enhances their music program on bot… Backstage Blog Music Educator Resources
April 13, 2015 Maggie Rodriguez Tumblr Tells All: Stevenson High School Orchestra & Dance Tour of Spain Late March, Stevenson High School Strings and Dance ensemble ventured off to the Iberian Peninsula. Backstage Blog